
Would you like to use your skills and life experiences to bring hope and help to others?


Volunteer Opportunities

Our programs depend on volunteers in order to be successful, and we have numerous ways people can participate in our mission. We are always in need of volunteer help as listed below, or however you would like to lend your support:


We can send you brochures, flyers, or print materials to help spread the word about our free grief support groups.

Butterfly Release Team

Volunteer at the annual Butterfly Release where children and families release a live butterfly in memory of their loved one.

Adult Support Groups

Hospitality Host

Be a welcoming greeter for our grieving families. Order pizza, distribute, and clean up twice monthly during the school year.

Board Member

Lend your professional expertise to the Board of Directors at Joel's Place. Meet quarterly and attend Joel Place's fundraising events.

Group Facilitator

Help lead emotional awareness exercises and peer-based discussions twice monthly during the school year.


We host fundraising events throughout the year and are looking for volunteers to help with fundraising..

NACG active Participation & Continuing Education

Joel’s Place for Children is a proud member of the National Alliance for Children’s Grief (NACG). The NACG provides a number of helpful resources for grieving families and those who support them.

In addition to education webinars, we send representatives to the NACG Annual Symposium where hundreds of bereavement professionals gather for educational sessions, program activity halls, networking opportunities, and tours of grief facilities across the country. We continuously commit to learning new, better ways to serve more grieving families in our Greater Cleveland community.

Start Healing Today

New families are welcome to attend our grief support groups any time at Joel’s Place. Contact us, share your story, and join us.